Planimeter - GPS Area Measure

Measure On Maps

You can measure the distance between two locations, perimeter, area, angle, the length of tracked paths, and the distance between each pair of points of interest. You can also view the GPS coordinates of selected points

What types of measurements can Planimeter perform?

Planimeter is capable of measuring various geographical attributes including distances between two points, perimeters, areas, and angles. It can also calculate the length of tracked paths and distances between individual points of interest. Additionally, it provides the GPS coordinates for selected points.

What are some common applications of Planimeter?

Planimeter can be utilized across various sectors. These include land surveying for road repairs, concrete work, sealing, and roofing. It is also applicable to landscaping, agriculture, solar panel installations, real estate and trip planning. Further, it can be used in outdoor activities like hiking, running, cycling, and golf.

What are the key features offered by Planimeter?

The app has a wide array of features. These include accurate GPS-based distance and area measurement; support for metric and imperial units; GPS coordinate and precision settings; KML file management (opening, saving, and viewing); sharing options via email, Skype and Google Drive; and saving screenshots to SD card. It also allows you to switch between map and satellite views, zoom in and out, search for locations, edit existing points, and simplify paths. Other notable features include different modes of input (touch, target, stylus), live GPS tracking, address search, P2P distance display, and quick export to Google Earth.

How do I measure a perimeter using Planimeter?

To measure a perimeter, you can either manually place pins on the map to delineate the area's boundaries, or you can use the tracking feature while walking or driving around the perimeter. Planimeter will automatically calculate the length of the enclosed path.

How do I start a new measurement in Planimeter?

To begin a new measurement, use a long touch on the Trash button. This will clear any existing pins from the screen, allowing you to start fresh. You can then add new pins by tapping the map, drawing, or walking around the area with live tracking.

What are the different input modes in Planimeter, and how do they work?

Planimeter offers multiple input modes: Touch mode lets you place pins by tapping on the map. Target mode adds pins to a crosshair in the center of the screen. Stylus-Draw mode allows for free-form drawing to trace a path. There is also a live tracking mode that automatically places pins as you move.

Can Planimeter be used offline?

Planimeter relies on Google Maps, which require an internet connection. If working offline, you can input locations using GPS or by entering latitude and longitude coordinates. Calculations are then based on these coordinates. You can save results as a KML file to edit later when online or view in pre-cached Google Earth maps.

How can I customize the app settings for my specific needs?

Planimeter offers several customizable options such as GPS precision, search time, deletion confirmations, and theme colors. You can also set preferred units for Distance (D), Area (A) and Perimeter (P), individually. The app also offers options to display or hide P2P distances and can also change the screen orientation between portrait, landscape, or auto. These settings can be found in the preferences section.